Sunday, March 30, 2008

Live Your Life They Way You Want It To Be

Don't get stuck in the rut of life, because there is no such thing. It is all in our minds and what we think it to be. Life is great and if you pause for just a moment and focus on what is around you, you will see all the beauty that life holds.

Look at how green the grass is, or how white and clean the snow is, can you hear bird chirping or the quiet hush of winter? When you look up into the sky can you see how the sun reflects off the clouds, almost like a painting? Everything around us full of energy, it is vibrating all around you just waiting for you to clear your mind of all the toxic negativity so it can bring to you the magic. You can manifest all that you want, you just have to intend it to be so. Believe 100% in yourself and in the beauty around you and it will happen. Live in the moment don't worry about yesterday, because it has already happened, plan for tomorrow and look at it as a new adventure, but do not forget to live for today.

We focus so much on not having enough of this or that, and do not focus enough on what we do have. Be thankful for your thoughts and actions, be thankful for your mistakes because you are able to learn from them, be grateful for your mind and your thoughts and the laughter of your family. If you are worried about
money, stop and pause your thoughts, yell at yourself to stop thinking negative, now at this exact moment in your life, right now, is money affecting you? Most likely not. At this exact moment in time, is your company meeting that is scheduled in a couple of days affecting you right now? If your answer is no, then don't worry about it. Focus on now and feel the moment that you are living.

If you can learn to live in the moment, you surrounding will become much more vivid and more alive. When some one is talking to you are you listening or are you really hearing what they say? Just be and absorb your surroundings.

This blog is about life, my experiences and what I have learned about living in the moment and enjoying my life. I want to share it with you and hear your stories, we can help each other out, be inspirational and motivational forces to have the peace that we all look for. I believe when you bring people together that are searching for the same things or have the same interests, it can help us expand to the world around us and learn more about ourselves as well as other people. We become more grateful for our friends and what they bring into our lives.

I love to right, have journals and all, but I have found it hard to write in my journal so I have started this blog. Where I can jot down my thoughts and feelings, share them with others and this helps me feel more opened up and ready to let more good in. If I had an off day, I can write about it, release those not so good feelings and let the peace back in. And maybe my stories will be entertaining, food for thought, inspiring and helpful... what ever they may be all I as is that you be respectful and open minded.

Thank you once again for taking the time to stop by to read my thoughts and ideas and hopefully post a few of your own.

Be well, be safe, be happy and happy blogging!

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