Saturday, April 5, 2008

Pre-Op Breast Implant Surgery

I remember my pre-op day quite well. It was scheduled the day before my surgery, my husband and mom went with me. We traveled to Rock Springs Wyoming, which is two hours away and there is literally no towns or anything between here and there.

The weather forcast called for a large snowstorm that was suppose to dump several inches of snow, as we were traveling to Rocks Springs I could see off in the distance very large black/gray clouds and I knew that we were going to get in the middle of it. Of course I did not care, as long as we made it to R.S it could snow all it wanted.

Our first stop was my Dr.'s visit, and I do not remember a whole lot about the pre-op, it went by very quickly and he asked if I had any further questions and of course told me that I could not eat or drink after 8 and no alcohol at all, because this could increase any kind of bleeding. We also discussed how I was suppose to do as little as possible and not to be lifting heavy items, because this could cause bleeding as well and then the implants would have to be re-done.

He said it was best to wear a button down shirt since this would be easier to get on, but I wore an oversized sweat shirt and this worked just fine.

After all my questions were answered he gave me a prescription for pain pills and I one small pill I was suppose to take 15 minutes before I arrived for surgery the next morning. This pill was to help me relax and not be nervous.

We left the Dr.'s went to Wal-Mart and picked up a few items and then went and ate a Applebees. I was really hoping for a Margarita, but new that I could not have any so I had ice tea instead.

And speaking of the storm, it was raging all around us, luckily in Wyoming, the wind blows so hard that the snow was not accumulating, but it sure was cold.

We went back to the hotel and tried to get some sleep, but sleep was hard to find. I was very excited and nervous and not only that but we had a few noisy neighbors that kept us awake all night with their extra-curricular activities.

When sleep finally came it was in spurts, and when I woke up the next morning I was wide awake with nrevous energy.

Read "Day of Surgery" to see how that went.

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